I. Title: The Zuckerberg Revolution Dialectical Journal
II. Citation: Gabler, Neal. “The Zuckerberg Revolution.” 28 May 2010,
III. Summary: The Zuckerberg Revolution is about, how, Mark Zuckerberg in a way shaped the way we communicate with one another in our current times. Also, that by using technology to communicate it in a way diminishes the reality of talking to someone in person. In addition, it talks about how we are now accustomed to new advances in technology, so it doesn’t affect us as much as it would have if this was happening years ago.
IV. Quotes: “We are so accustomed by now to declarations of new technological revolutions that another one hardly gets noticed, especially when it comes to finding new ways of minimizing how we communicate with each other.”
V. Response: Honestly, I do believe that in a way Facebook and other such things as texting do diminish the way that any of us interact with the people we know. Think about it, how many times have you written something to be funny or sarcastic and people get upset at you because when you type something out, they didn’t understand the way you meant it. I know from personal experience how that feels, I had to apologize to my friend because she misinterpreted what I wrote.
If you look closely there are children in elementary with cell phones and text during class, when you were in elementary your best friend usually was the person sitting next to you in class, not the little shiny paper weight in your pocket. Furthermore, I see my brother sitting on the sofa on Saturday morning playing his Call of Duty and talking with his friends through the game instead of going out and doing something with then. Why spend your day wasting away on a game when you can go out and paintball with them instead.
I understand that you may have friends that live far away from you and Facebook. Texting, Xbox 360, etc. might be the only way you are able to communicate on certain occasions but you can always plan something to meet up instead of that. Lastly, the only way that we are able to completely get back to the way we use to communicate with people would be to actually go out and hang out with them.
If you look closely there are children in elementary with cell phones and text during class, when you were in elementary your best friend usually was the person sitting next to you in class, not the little shiny paper weight in your pocket. Furthermore, I see my brother sitting on the sofa on Saturday morning playing his Call of Duty and talking with his friends through the game instead of going out and doing something with then. Why spend your day wasting away on a game when you can go out and paintball with them instead.
I understand that you may have friends that live far away from you and Facebook. Texting, Xbox 360, etc. might be the only way you are able to communicate on certain occasions but you can always plan something to meet up instead of that. Lastly, the only way that we are able to completely get back to the way we use to communicate with people would be to actually go out and hang out with them.
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