I. Title: Me Against the Media (Dialectical Journal # 8)
II. Citation: Rockler-Gladen, Naomi. “Me Against the Media.” They Say I Say. Eds. Birkenstein, Cathy, Russel Durst, and Gerald Graff. New York: New York/ London, 2009. 284-291. Print.
III. Summary: This article “Me Against the Media” is talking about how in our modern society we are to heavily influence by mass media. How media follows us everywhere we go, school, work, the arcade it is never ending. It also tells us how, a college professor that teaches his students about consumerism, and how they do not understand or really want to change their views on it. In addition, how most his students don’t care about it and how they always argue the same exact points. Such as, “Oh, come on. It’s just a bunch of ads” (page 285).
IV. Quote: “consumerism-fueled expectations may be outrageous, but they are necessary, and failure to adhere to these expectations is silly, miserly, and downright unloving” (page 286).
V. Response: Personally, I do not believe that consumer fueled expectations are necessary, whatever happened to enjoying the simpler thing in life instead of the finer things? It might be fun to have nice things but if you look back it has always been the simple things that not only keep you grounded but end up leaving the biggest smile on your face from all the fond memories you have had.
How is not buying your child a new gadget or yourself a new gadget unloving? That is a perfectly horrid statement just because you don’t have the next big thing doesn’t make you unloved, or silly, it goes to show you that there is always going to be that new thing right around the corner.
For example, the iPhone, iPads, or iPods basically all that the Apple Inc. companies are doing is selling you the exact same product in a different size, color, or memory. Those three devices are the same things just maybe a different function or two. Having the newest thing isn’t a necessity it is an option and it tells you how well you play into consumerism.
Why do you think you need the newest device or gadget? The truth is no matter what you may say you don’t actually need it, it is just something you want. Also, there is nothing wrong with not having the newest device because chances are once you get it, a new one is already coming out.
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